Oro-Medonte Residence
Waterfront Upgrades
Oro-Medonte, Ontario
A waterfront property in Oro Medonte that is under the jurisdiction of the LSRCA and has required a complete redesign to satisfy current shoreline restoration guidelines. By removing the existing wood rail ties, tired gardens, uneven concrete and patio pavers the property is ready for a complete overhaul. The waterfront will become a two-tiered patio, with retaining walls and native planting separating the spaces, with large stone steps accessing the various levels. A firepit and outdoor dining/serving bar will be placed on the upper patio, providing an entertainment space for the owners. Granite steps will provide direct water access from the lower patio, with large granite boulders placed along the shoreline for a naturalized solution. Native plantings will be incorporated throughout the space.
Residential Garden and Neighbourhood Development